Lilylee’s Florist is a local flower shop in Jefferson North Carolina. As your neighborhood florist, we offer fresh flower arrangements for all occasions. Our floral designers expertly arrange flowers for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, funerals, and more. We provide same-day flower delivery to the Jefferson area including West Jefferson, Crumpler, and Grassy Creek. Our locally grown flowers are hand-delivered to ensure freshness and quality. We are your local florist for flower delivery in Jefferson, NC. Our friendly staff can help you select the perfect flowers for any special event. For the freshest flowers in Jefferson, trust Lilylee’s Florist to create beautiful arrangements that delight your loved ones. Visit or call us today to order flower delivery in Jefferson and surrounding areas. Visit Lilylee’s Florist Shop.


Address: 430 E Main St, Jefferson, NC 28640, United States

Phone no: +1 3362469021

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